Let’s Build Something Together.

We look forward to having you join our incredible team of donors, partners, and volunteers who build locally to fight poverty globally.

Let’s Build Something Together.

We look forward to having you join our incredible team of donors, partners, and volunteers who build locally to fight poverty globally.


Build a Home for Hope

If you are a builder with a passion for serving others and a heart for the under served, we invite you to join us.

Refer a Builder

We’ve met most of our builders through referrals, if you’d be like to introduce us to a new builder, please click below.

Join Our Prayer Team

Support our mission by providing prayer support for our builders and the work of HOPE International around the world.

Experience HOPE

Join our groups of builders as we travel overseas to see the work of HOPE International in-person.

Become a Donor

Even if you’re not a builder, you still partner with us by becoming a regular contributing donor.